2024 the 4th International Conference on Cognitive based Information Processing and Applications
November 22-23. 2024
Jim Jansen is a Principal Scientist in the social computing group of the Qatar Computing Research Institute. He is a graduate of West Point and has a Ph.D. in computer science from Texas A&M University. Professor Jansen is editor-in-chief of the journal, Information Processing & Management (Elsevier), a member of the editorial boards of seven international journals, and former editor-in-chief of the journal, Internet Research (Emerald). He has received several awards and honors, including an ACM Research Award, six application development awards, and a university-level teaching award, along with other writing, publishing, research, teaching, and leadership honors. Dr. Jansen has authored or co-authored 300 or so research publications, with articles appearing in a multi-disciplinary range of journals and conferences. He is author of the book, Understanding Sponsored Search: A Coverage of the Core Elements of Keyword Advertising (Cambridge University Press).
CIPA 2024
Jemal Abawajy is a faculty member at Deakin University and has published more than 100 articles in refereed journals and conferences as well as a number of technical reports. He is on the editorial board of several international journals and edited several international journals and conference proceedings. He has also been a member of the organizing committee for over 60 international conferences and workshops serving in various capacities including best paper award chair, general co-chair, publication chair, vice-chair, and program committee. He is actively involved in funded research in building secure, efficient, and reliable infrastructures for large-scale distributed systems. Towards this vision, he is working in several areas including: pervasive and networked systems (mobile, wireless network, sensor networks, grid, cluster, and P2P), e-science and e-business technologies and applications, and performance analysis and evaluation.
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2024 International Conference on Cognitive based Information Processing and Applications (CIPA2024)